Friday, July 11, 2008

Conspiracy 101, Part II: More Secret Groups

In my last post, I discussed what a conspiracy theory was and began to talk about some of the members of the New World Order (NWO), or Secret Leaders as I call them, who most commonly appear in Web sites dedicated to uncovering the clandestine goings-on of those who rule us.

In my discussions and all of my blog posts from here on out, I will provide links directly to conspiracy theory sites from which I have drawn information, and a list of links to some of the most prominent sites will be started and constantly expanded on the right side of this blog page.

To recap, conspiracy theory may be linked to Christian millennialism or prophecy or be strictly secular in an analysis of politics, business and world economy. The NWO may be, according to the many different CT's, (1) all Jewish people/groups or Zionists; (2) Jews and supporting gentile families/societies; (3) a general collection of secret groups and families not defined or bound to religious or ethnic definitions; (4) an alliance of malicious aliens and ambitious humans; or (5) malicious aliens alone masquerading as humans. The fifth version of the NWO, I think, is the rarest and probably the material of Hollywood movies (another industry controlled by the SL's, the conspiracy theorists would say).

Millennialism is based on an interpretation of the prophecies of the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible. In general, a millennialist believes that first Christians will be taken up to heaven in a mass action called the Rapture; there will be seven years of hell on earth ruled by the Anti-Christ called the Tribulation; Jesus will come back to earth and defeat the Anti-Christ; and then He will reign over the earth for a thousand years (a millennium; thus the name of the belief).

A second definition: the term New World Order first appeared in print around 1939-40, in publications by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the U.S. Congressional Record, and British science fiction writer H.G. Wells in a book called -- The New World Order. To the CT, the NWO is not a concept of international cooperation, unity and peace, but a global plan for domination and exploitation of the common man by the clandestine families and related organizations.

I also mentioned the Masons and the Illuminati in my previous entry. I would be remiss if I don't mention the Order of the Skull and Bones, a secret society at Yale University in Connecticut that has existed since 1830. Among its members are the Bushes -- Sen. Prescott Bush of Maine (1895-1972), President George H.W. Bush (1924- ) and President George Walker Bush (1946- ). Among other members were President William Howard Taft, Supreme Court Chief Justice Morrison Waite, numerous university presidents, business magnates, bankers, politicians and government officials. If you want to see even more of who's who, Wikipedia offers this page.

Because Yale is an elite university, and the members of Skull and Bones often came from prominent and powerful families ... well, that explains it. The group exists as part of the network of NWO families and groups to provide support and lines of communication for the evil plotters. Secondly, it another organization that grooms all these young men (and recently women) to take their places in the NWO and continue to exploit and oppress us.

Simply being a secret society casts suspicion on the Skull and Bones. Some CT's believe that the Central Intelligence Agency was founded by Bonesmen (as members are called) and membership in the Order was a requirement in order join in on the spying fun. Some Bonesmen who shaped the CIA are Tracy Barnes, who oversaw the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion; McGeorge Bundy, advisor to John F. Kennedy; and George Bush Sr., CIA director in the 1970s. Many Yale alumni did go into the spy biz in the last half of the 20th century, which also could be presented as more evidence that the CIA and Skull and Bones are connected.

The Illuminati, the Bavarian group banned in the 1780s but is supposed to exist today, is commonly cited as a NWO group. One theorist, Fritz Springmeier, has written about the 13 Illuminati "bloodlines" of extremely old and wealthy families. They not only control everything -- global banking, major multinational corporations, media and government -- but worship Satan and practice horrifying rituals, such as human sacrifice and drinking blood. Names you ought to know: Rockefeller, Rothchild, Astor, Bundy, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Reynolds, Russell, Van Duyn and the Merovingians (a European royal family originating among the ancient Germanic tribe called the Franks).

Springmaier further contends that the Illuminati families founded the Jehovah's Witnesses (and its related Watchtower & Bible Tract Society) and Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS or "Mormons"). He also says they created the Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group, which also come up on a lot of CT Web sites. It is obvious in reading his book online that Springmaier is of the Christian/millennialist theory school.

The Bilderberg Group is an annual meeting of elite of governments, business, mass media and finance. Just over a hundred people get to attend this invitation only gathering, held at five-star hotels in Europe or the Americas. All Bilderberg Group meetings are closed to the public and the general media. The Group gets its name from the first of its meetings in 1954 -- the Bilderberg Hotel in Arnhem, Netherlands. The group's strict secrecy, along with attendance limited to elites, makes it ripe for accusations for membership in the New World Order.

The Trilateral Commission has close ties to the Council on Foreign Relations, and both are cited as members of the Secret Leaders cabal. The TLC was founded in 1973 under the direction of banker David Rockefeller, head of the family's Chase Manhattan Bank and at the time chair of the CFR. On its own Web site, the TLC says its purpose is "to foster closer cooperation among ... core democratic industrialized areas of the world with shared leadership responsibilities in the wider international system." He was assisted by Zbigniew Brzezinski, later national security advisor to President Jimmy Carter.

The CFR dates back to 1921 and had its roots in a group of scholars commissioned by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson as World War I ended to study the direction of global politics and international relations. That earliest group included future President Herbert Hoover and Paul Warburg, member of one of the infamous banking families you might meet on conspiracy Web sites, and early advocate for creation of the Federal Reserve (which is often looked upon as an NWO plot). Others involved in the 1920s included the Rockefellers, their PR manager, banker J.P. Morgan's lawyer and Averell Harriman and John Foster Dulles, two future members of presidential cabinets.

The CFR today says its purpose is to research, understand and improve the relation of the United States with the rest of the world. The council, essentially, bills itself as a think tank on international relations. But its push for global cooperation, along with meeting in secret and the council's birth among financiers and political leaders, makes it the perfect target for conspiracy theorists. To compare, look at the CFR's Web site, and then this description on the popular site Illuminati Conspiracy Archive.

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