Conspiracy Chasers: David Icke
Those of the world of conspiracy theory are often as colorful as their speculations on the real history of the world and those who control it. As the old saying goes, you couldn't make this stuff up.
Take David Icke, for example. Born in 1952 in Leceistershire, England, Icke -- rhymes with "bike" -- grew up to become a pro soccer player, a newspaper reporter and finally a sportscaster for the BBC. After the 1988 Olympics, Icke left broadcasting to become spokesman for the Green Party.
And, in 1990, he donned turquoise clothing and declared himself a "son of God." He had received a message from the "other side" that he was supposed to dedicate his life to healing the earth. After that stirred up some controversy, the Greens kicked him out. For most of the '90s Icke said he couldn't walk down the street without people pointing at him and laughing.
As the new millennium dawned, Icke came out swinging at the New World Order, declaring that the British royal family, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were all human-repitilian alien hybrids who could change their shapes at will. Not only that, but these hybrids worshiped Satan, routinely performed human sacrifice and drank human blood. They are in league with purebred reptilian aliens from the "lower Fourth Dimension" who have been on earth for centuries and wish to dominate and exploit the earth. These claims were the cornerstone of one of his best known books, The Biggest Secret. In that book, Icke writes:
These hybrid human-reptile lines carry the reptilian genetic code and thus can be far more easily possessed by the reptilians of the lower fourth dimension. ...these bloodlines became the British and European aristocracy and royal families and, thanks to the "Great" British Empire, they were exported across the world to rule the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand and so on. These genetic lines are manipulated into the positions of political, military, media, banking and business power, and thus these positions are held by lower fourth dimensional reptilians hiding behind a human form or by mind-puppets of the these same creatures. They operate through all races, but predominantly the white one.

A question: how believable is that the most powerful players in the New World Orders are part reptile? And additionally, how many people are going to believe a guy who makes these claims who still wears a mullet in 2008?
Icke has said that Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip had Princess Diana killed in 1997 -- she was just plain human, though was married to the reptiloid-human Prince Charles and had two equally scaly boys, Princes William and Harry. He has also said the list of hybrid Satanists includes the corny country singer Boxcar Willie, whom he additionally accuses of pedophilia.
I remember Boxcar Willie once in my life. I was a teenager in the late '70s, and he was on this TV commercial selling a mail order LP of his greatest hits, with footage of him singing framed by, not surprisingly, the doors of a train boxcar. He seemed folksy, annoying and goofy -- I guess it's those people we suspect the least of being the absolute depths of evil.
The David Icke official Web site is extremely busy, with one of the longest homepages I have ever seen. There is a store where you can buy something like 20 books by him and numerous DVD lectures he has given around the world. The Web site has been jazzed up since my last visit, now even using bizarre Photoshopped pictures to continue building a picture of the New World Order plans.
To repeat, would anyone believe a guy who has a mullet in the year 2008? The answer is more and more people each day. Icke lectures around the world, and these talks are often well attended.

In The Biggest Secret and her own video, Revelations of a Mother Goddess, she says as a high priestess she personally conducted human sacrifices and blood drinking rituals for the British royals, George Bush Sr. and Henry Kissinger. She says she also has seen some of these power players shift into their reptilian forms. She adds that she had led a life where she was both psychically trained and ritually abused in order to become an employee of the New World Order, receiving personal instruction from Josef Mengele himself, the "Angel of Death" doctor from the Auschwitz concentration camp.
So why hasn't the NWO taken this woman out, and why hasn't she been charged with first degree murder for killing people? Maybe because many regard her as a nut and no threat to the Secret Leaders, and her admitted crimes are also imaginary.
I got a kick out of this quote from her about the late Queen Mother (1900-2002), Elizabeth, wife of King George V and mother of the current queen:
[She] was cold, cold, cold, a nasty person. None of her cohorts even trusted her. They have named an altar (mind-control program) after her. They call it the Black Queen. I have seen her sacrifice people. I remember her pushing a knife into someone's rectum the night the two boys were sacrificed. One was 13 and the others 18. You need to forget that the Queen Mother appears to be a frail woman. When she shape-shifts into a reptilian, she becomes very tall and strong. Some of them are so strong they can rip out a heart and they all grow by several feet when they shape-shift.Icke has faced controversy, nost surprisingly. He has been accused of being among the anti-Semitic arm of the Conspiracy Theorists due to his writings about Jewish bankers. He has aroused the attention of the Anti-Defamation League, which like many CT's he claims is a front by the Rothschilds. He found himself also linked with Combat 19, a British neo-Nazi group that listed his lecture tour in its magazine in 1995.
Icke's defense has been that he's not anti-Jewish but is against people (or reptile-people?) who pretend to be Jews -- such as the Rothschild banking dynasty -- and exploit everyday Jews to continue to fatten their wallets and increase their power. He has said that he worries about the Jewish race because those members of the New World Order who say they're Jewish are using it as a pawn in their secret plans.
And finally, I have to agree with this writer that how were the reptilian identities of Princes William and Harry protected, as well as their dad. "[Icke] also mentions Wilder's claim that the royal lizards change back when they sleep, which must have made Prince Charles' time at Gordonstoun public school and in the armed forces very entertaining for those sharing his sleeping quarters..." What happened when the princes attended exclusive boarding schools? Did they have private bedrooms with armed guards at the doors so no one could see those big slippery slumbering lizards within?
Labels: Conspiracy Theorists
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